Monday 22 October 2007

Sean's Woodwork Forum BBQ

Yesterday was a huge day. We held a BBQ for about 15 - 16 woodwork forum dudes. The day was supposed to kick off about 10.30 but the first guests arrived at about 9.20. I was still in my pj's which wasn't a good look so I jumped in the shower and then headed down the street to get some supplies.
By about 10.30 everyone had arrived. It was a great day. The guys usually bring different pieces of wood or projects that they have completed or need some advice about. I actually found it interesting too as they have demo's for different things. Sean has taught himself how to woodturn along with the help of a couple of guys that came along on the day so that was good.
Three of them decided to stay for dinner so we just put the barbie back on again and ate all the leftovers.
One of the guys travelled down from Cairns so Sean offered for him to stay with us which he did. He is a really nice guy and very interesting to talk to and listen to. He headed off this morning. Part of his holiday is to pop in to different guys he has met through the Woodwork Forum so that would be a hoot.
Sean really enjoyed his day and I must admit that I did too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, what a fun idea!